
Splurge v. Save: Clothing

I’ve been thinking about whether to splurge or save on clothes a lot more lately since I’ve started my new job. I’ve finally reached that point in my life where I don’t have to buy all of my clothes from Target and Forever 21! It’s been fun to start figuring out my grown up style!

Of course, assigning whether to splurge or save on different categories of clothing items is hard to do, so these are pretty general rules for me.

Coats and Swimsuits: SAVE

These are seasonal pieces that can be very expensive, but they are also great to buy on sale in the off season! I’ve bought some great coats for an awesome price during the spring. It’s also super fun to pull that new coat out when the chilly weather sets in! (I bought that coat for $20!)


Jeans and Pants: SPLURGE

I have a pair of jeans that I bought when I was 15 and I still wear them all the time! Pants can last forever! Plus I pretty much wear the same pairs over and over again, so I don’t mind spending a little more money on a quality pair of pants with a great fit.

Tops: SAVE

Unlike pants, I don’t wear the same top multiple times a week. I like to have a wide variety of tops. Plus, I get tired of my tops frequently and like to buy new ones every couple of seasons. Therefore, I can’t spend $50 every time I buy a top! Tops are also easier to find on sale than pants!


It reeeeeeally depends on shoes. I always splurge when it comes to my running shoes. I try to save by buying at the Nike Outlet, but they can still be pricey there! For me, comfort is most important when it comes to shoes, and more expensive doesn’t always mean more comfortable.

tennis shoes

Now I feel like going shopping!!!

Splurge v. Save: Beauty Products

I’ve always enjoyed Splurge v. Save blog posts because I find it interesting what people are willing to spend money on. Brad and I have been doing a lot of purchasing lately since we’ve moved, so I thought I’d do a little Splurge v. Save series of my own. I thought I’d begin with beauty products since I think it’s the easiest.

*Note: Of course, everyone’s version of “splurging” and “saving” is different! My definition of splurging could be very different than yours!

In general, I’m a saver. Partly because I have to be and partly because I was raised that way. (My mom is a great bargain shopper. I love calling her to tell her about the great deal I just got.) Beauty products can get expensive. Therefore, I’ve tried to figure out what can be saved on, and what is worth spending the money on.

Shampoo / Conditioner / Soap: SAVE

To be honest, I have pretty good hair. I don’t need anything fancy to make my hair look good, so I buy pretty much whatever is on sale. However, this doesn’t always work for everyone. My mom has very thin hair, so she pays more money for products that will make her hair thicker and stronger. When it comes to soap, $3 soap and $15 soap both get you clean. I’ve bought the off-brand of Dial for years.

Also, I didn’t include things like hairspray and other products to put in your hair because I don’t use them, so I guess I’m “saving” on those too!

body soap save

Face lotion: SPLURGE

When it comes to the lotion I put on my face in the morning and at night before I go to bed, I don’t go for the cheapest bottle of the shelf at CVS. Skimping on lotion always leaves my face feeling greasy but not moisturized.

This may seem very silly, and I do not “keep up with” the Kardashians, but I read that Kim Kardashian said that her number one beauty secret was that she started wearing eye cream at night when she was in middle school. When you think about it, you totally should start wearing eye cream before the wrinkles come, not after!

Currently, I put on a face cream by Estee Lauder in the morning, and at night, I wear Neutrogena face lotion and Estee Lauder eye cream.

Estee Lauder Eye Cream

Make up: SAVE

Make up can get expensive even when you are “saving” because there are so many elements. I buy most of my make up at CVS or Target. I’ve had a lot of luck with the brand E.L.F., which is sold at Target. I LOVE their liquid eyeliner and eye shadow palettes. I also just bought their bronzer and a large brush, which I have been really happy with so far. I used to spend $13 on Neutrogena foundation, but I recently decided to try E.L.F.’s $6 foundation, and although I wouldn’t say they are comparable, I do like the E.L.F. foundation enough to keep buying it.

E.L.F. Liquid Liner

For eyebrow pencil I use a product by Revlon, mostly because the color matches my hair the best. I’m currently using a sample size mascara from Estee Lauder that I really like, but I haven’t decided if I’ll spend the real money on it once it runs out. I usually buy Maybelline mascara.

Straightener: SPLURGE

A straightener is something you only buy once every several years. I’m actually on the market for a new one at the moment because I think I’ve had mine for about 5 years! I’ve really been putting it off for too long because it’s definitely lost some of its heating power. Since this is something I use a lot and lasts a long time, I don’t mind buying a nice one.

There you are! A peak into my spending habits. What do you like to splurge on? Have you found any products that have saved you a ton?

Want. Need. Wear. Read.

Today I thought I would share with you something I want, something I need, something to wear, and something to read.


Pitch Perfect

Have you seen Pitch Perfect? Seriously hilarious. I’ve been dying to watch it again since we watched it at The Palace.


Nike Sportband

Okay so maybe this is more of a want, but it would really come in handy. I used to wear a watch everyday until it broke over a year ago and I’ve yet to find one that I like since then. I’ve had my eye on this Nike Sportband, but it’s a little pricey so I haven’t given in and gotten it yet!


Paper Crown

Lauren Conrad‘s Paper Crown recently released its Spring 2013 Lookbook. I always love Lauren’s pretty outfits. I especially loved this dress. I would love to wear it this summer.


Anne of Green Gables

Okay so I’ve technically been listening to the Anne of Green Gables series. I’m currently finishing up the second book, Anne of Avonlea. I’ve found that I would rather read a series than an individual book. I’m excited to get to the third book! (Yes, I listen to audiobooks. I started listening to books instead of music while I exercise about a year ago. I would definitely recommend it! I look forward to running more because I have a good book to look forward too!)

So what are you wanting, needing, wearing, and reading??

DIY Shoemint-inspired flats

I’m really excited about this project. This is one of my favorite things I’ve ever made! (And I’ve made a lot of stuff over the years.)

A couple of weeks ago I spotted these shoes on A Beautiful Mess.


So I followed the link to Shoemint and found that they called the Frankie and were $79.98 on sale for $39.99. Call me cheap, but I usually don’t spend that much on shoes unless they are boots or running shoes. I’m a bargain shopper. I sighed in disappointment and continued skimming my Bloglovin feed.

The next day Brad and I were out thrift shopping when I spotted a pair of plain white flats for $4 (they were Target brand). They were in great condition and in my size! I suddenly had a stoke…. of GENIUS (Producers anyone?) and remembered the shoes from the day before. I could totally upcycle these, I thought to myself. So I paid the $4 and stopped by Hobby Lobby on the way home for a fabric marker.

I ended up using a combination of a fabric marker and sharpies. I used a fine point sharpie to draw the design and a thicker sharpie and fabric marker to fill it in. I didn’t follow the design exactly and the back was difficult to see in the picture so I sort of made it up as a went. There are a few imperfections where I messed up, but that’s what gives it character, right?

This was a very time consuming project. It took me two nights to complete it. I probably spent about 4 hours on it, but it was worth it. I also decided to remove the laces because they fit fine without them. I really like how they turned out!







Mile A Day Challenge

It’s December 1st, which means the cold weather has officially settled in and we have a month of delicious comfort food and sweets ahead of us. This combination usually leads to a pretty unhealthy lifestyle. It’s hard for me to get to the gym when it’s freezing, and it’s even harder to resist all the good food that is passed around this time of year.

Let’s be honest, my food addiction is probably not going to change this year, but I’ve decided that my fitness is going to. I’m taking the mile-a-day challenge. It’s exactly what it sounds like. I’m going to run (at least) one mile everyday in the month of December. I know, a mile is not that far, but everyday is the challenging part.

I’m usually fairly consistent in getting to the gym, but it’s easy to slack during December when schedules get busy and pants get tighter. Running everyday will help me to remember that fitness is important all year, and not something that only happens during the summer.

I’ll be updating my 31-mile journey via Instagram! #mileaday